The Second International Conference on Engineering Rheology ICER 2003

      The Second International Conference on Engineering Rheology ICER 2003 was held from August 24, 2003 to August 27, 2003 at the University of Zielona Góra, Poland (see the website of IJAME: The conference was organized under the auspices of the Polish Society of Engineering Rheology and Committee of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy of Science.
      The Scientific Committee was composed of the distinguished representatives of the world rheology. There were over 50 participants at the conference including 32 foreign guests from 17 countries who presented 52 papers in several sessions: industrial rheology, analytical and numerical methods, rheometry and experimental methods, intelligent processing of materials.
      The conference aroused lively interest. Many prominent experts from all over the world (countries such as: Algeria, Belarus, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom) discussed the future directions and priorities in the field of rheology. The conference meeting was a great occasion to share experience and knowledge with other participants, well-known experts as well as young researches.
      The members of Organizing Committee of ICER 2003 are grateful to all partakers and institutions they represent and hope it will help to co-operate and find new solutions and arrange international researches in the areas of engineering rheology.
      The Editorial Office of IJAME has at its disposal some volumes of the conference proceedings (pp.348, A4, softcover, 40 USD - postal handling included).

Adam Ilciów   
Managing Editor   

The part of audience of Plenary Session of ICER 2003.

At Plenary Session...

At Plenary Session...

At Poster Session...

At Poster Session...

At Poster Session...

Evening picnic- Camp-fire and grill in the Sports Center at Drzonków (near Zielona Góra).

Evening picnic- Camp-fire and grill in the Sports Center at Drzonków (near Zielona Góra).

All day long excursion to Rogalin: sightseeing the National Museum in Rogalin.

All day long excursion to Rogalin: sightseeing the National Museum in Rogalin.